quiet time
y_llib's sawhorse
Part of me doesn't even want to hear the sound of typing on my keyboard this early in the morning. I'd almost rather write in my journal, the silent pen gliding over the page. But that'd mean I have to get up, go tromping (more noise!) up the stairs & rifle through my papers to find the journal, then out to the garage (setting off the alarm-bot that tells me 'garage door OPEN!' and, then rifle through my bag in the car for a pen...ugh! You see? Already I'm off on a tangent!
Read Jonah this morning in The Message. Whatever Petersen's weaknesses in this version of the bible, it really works for this book, especially the part in chapter 4 when Jonah gets angry at God for sparing the Ninevites [sic]. God asks Jonah,
"How is it that you can change your feelings from pleasure to anger overnight about a mere shade tree that you did nothing to get?...Why can't I likewise change what I feel about Nineveh from anger to pleasure...?"
I've never seen this passage so well related. It may still pose philosophical problems for some, but I think it hits a home run for clarity. And that's a good thing. I hope God can change His mind about things. Or at least one thing: me.
That's kinda the whole 'good news' thing, isn't it?
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