All Quiet [and dry] on the Bag End Front
I guess things quieted back down some since the last posts. I'm not sure if anyone's reading this, but I suppose if I want them to, I have to post occasionally.
Been feeling a bit under the weather the past few days. I haven't been wanting to ride as much, or exercise, I haven't been eating all that well. And while I find it difficult to pray regularly of late, I have found myself curiously interested in spiritual exercise, reading/thinking mainly.
Couple of weekends ago, my "Bag End" friend intro'd a spiritual exercise called "Lectio Divina" which is essentially reading and ruminating on a passage of scripture to let it speak to you. They took a verse or two from Psalm 42, I believe it was this one:
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. 2 I thirst for God, the living God."
It may have been a bit more than that, but not much more. Some might plead slim pickins, and one might grant that complaint. However, even so, this little tid bit is really packed, if you want to take some time to chew on it like the exercise teaches.
How does a deer pant for streams of water? Naturally, I'd think. I want to desire God in that way. God, make me a natural follower of you. Let me desire You like I desire water, which is my very life. I thirst for God, too. But not like the deer do. I have a thirst, but don't act on it. Matter of fact, we can go right on living without God, but not well, and not healthily. I pray for that kind of spiritual health that makes my seeking something that comes almost naturally, like breathing. Supernaturally would be even better.
Amen to that!
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